hi there. my name is Claudia, i am frugal in sin city. i am a wife of 8 years to my best friend and partner in crime, a mother to four wonderful little sanity sucking blessings and we have a family dog named Moo. why am i frugal you may ask? well if the above mentioned didnt give it away let me tell you.
i am frugal because i strive to give the best to my family with out having to spend a bundle. i have a self made budget that i like to stay under. i love finding great deals and making money off of shopping. i enjoy the feeling of knowing that i am the cause of giving my family so much goodness on less. being frugal isnt easy but it is worth it. i put a lot of work into the way we save. i am a wife, a mother, a sibling and a friend. i am frugal!
check out my family blog. all about the live of a 26 year old mom of four loving wonderful sanity sucking blessings. the ups downs and funny moments that make my life what it is.
take a look at my path to become better. this blog is all about me. the person i want to be and the struggle i have on this path.